
Leading for Transformation – 3 Core Values

May 7, 2017  |   Blake Schellenberg  |   General

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Every week as a group of believers who want to see the Kingdom of Heaven demonstrated and released in our city, we come together on Friday’s for lunch in different organizations to pray and partner with what God is doing for those leaders and organizations. The results have been staggering as we see week after week the love of the Father demonstrated through miracle after miracle and a community of believers developing where they believe nothing is impossible and are truly demonstrating a culture of honor in the business community.

As we have contended for this in Portland we have witnessed how quickly and easily it is transferred and how “normal” it becomes to live a supernatural lifestyle at and through work. We have seen it exported and transferred across the U.S. and to many countries around the world where marketplace people are ministering to marketplace people. There have been some very unique leadership principles that have developed for us as core values that are transferable across all areas of leadership regardless of if you are leading a Co-Labor Lunch or just want to partner with Heaven and lead in transformation wherever you are.

1. Preparation with testimonies – Be prepared ahead of time with testimonies or stories about the goodness of God that have come directly from Papa himself to you. Ask Him what stories about His goodness and breakthrough He wants you to share and He will tell you. Revelation 19:10 says, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Meaning when we testify about what Jesus is doing it creates a spiritual atmosphere for it to happen again. It aligns our spirits with what Jesus is doing creating a hunger for more. Be aware of the spiritual atmosphere and what testimony Papa wants you to share to move that atmosphere into greater alignment with Him. As this becomes a practice for you personally, you will get wrecked by His goodness and everyone else just gets to participate with the overflow of your own personal revival.

2. Create an atmosphere of hope and expectation and set parameters – Bill Johnson says, “He who has the most hope, has the most influence.” If we are in partnership with Heaven in the transformation business we should have the most hope in every room we enter. A natural tendency we have experienced is that people want to explain in great detail the torment and destruction that enemy has inflicted in their lives, which gives the enemy “air time” and creates an atmosphere of despair and lack of faith. As a leader in transformation or for a Co-Labor Lunch session, we need to put a timeframe on the historical story. “Tell us briefly a little bit about your business or situation. What has been going on and most of all, what are you hoping for?” It is key to direct people to what they’re hoping for which connects them to their hearts desire and the strategies of God for their breakthrough.

3. Set the table – As a leader it’s our job to set the table of the spiritual atmosphere. There is an invitation for others to exercise their gifts and an invitation to the Holy Spirit based upon how we set the table. This shift in thinking as leaders is paramount as we create a space where the Holy Spirit is welcome to move. In fact we cannot do it without Him. As we partner with Him to move and transform we create a collision between the two worlds and His team wins. In setting the table we rely on others to lead along with us and there is a pulling or drawing of the giftings out of those who join us. There is now space at the table for them to lead and step into new partnership with God demonstrating what He designed to come through each of them.

If we practice these ideas everyone involved gets to experience transformation. The crazy part of this adventure is that in leading where His presence is paramount you get transformed just as much, if not more than the people or situations we are ministering to. Just another bonus of the Kingdom of God!