
Giving Testimony A Framework

June 27, 2016  |   Blake Schellenberg  |   General

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We share the miracles and acts of God to partner with and stay consistently conscious of the One who invades and transforms impossible situations. Keeping the testimony also gives Him glory, helps us to maintain a heart of thankfulness and builds a culture around what God is doing. The testimony instantly creates hope, faith, and hunger in people for more. Sharing a testimony releases the power of God to reproduce it and do it again. A testimony is like a seed that bears much fruit. When we testify it releases the presence of God for more breakthrough and more tangible experience with Him and His Kingdom.

When God does amazing things in our lives, sometimes it is hard to communicate the story in a concise manner because the story and the breakthrough are so amazing. To help provide a framework to capture and communicate the story well, we have used the simple of idea of S.T.A.R. stories as a great guideline to capture and tell the testimony.



S – Situation, background set the scene – What was happening that needed to change?
T – Target, specifics of what’s required, when, where, who – What breakthrough was needed?
A – Action, what you did – How did you partner with God?
R – Result – Outcome – What happened, what did God do?